Midsummer Night’s Dream Set Projections | Rockhurst University


I provided projection design for Rockhurst University’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The projections were carefully crafted to enhance the storytelling and visual elements of the play. Working closely with the production team, I ensured that the projections seamlessly integrated with the rest of the production design to create a cohesive and engaging experience for the audience.

The projections were designed to support the different moods and settings of the play, from the enchanted forest to the fairy kingdom. Using my expertise in projection mapping and visual effects, I was able to bring the world of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life in a way that was both immersive and visually stunning.

The final result was a production that not only entertained the audience but also showcased the versatility and effectiveness of projections as a storytelling tool in the world of theatre.


  • Set Projection Designer
  • Projection Operator