Kansas City Museum | Derby Party 2019


In 2019, I was contracted by the Kansas City Museum to create a professional highlight video for their highly-anticipated Derby Party event. As the sole videographer and editor for this project, I was tasked with capturing the essence of the festivities and creating a visually compelling video that would showcase the highlights of the event to potential attendees and sponsors.

With careful planning and attention to detail, I filmed the various elements of the party including the fashionable attire, the lively music, the spirited horse race viewing, and the overall festive atmosphere. Using my expertise in video editing, I then skillfully edited the footage to create a polished and engaging highlight video that not only captured the spirit of the Derby Party but also successfully promoted the Kansas City Museum’s brand and mission. The final product was well received and helped to generate buzz and excitement for future events hosted by the Kansas City Museum.


  • Cinematographer
  • Editor