Pippin | Music Theatre Kansas City


I am pleased to present a highlight reel of my innovative and dynamic projection designs for Music Theatre Kansas City’s production of Pippin. As the Projection Set Designer, I utilized my expertise and creativity to create stunning visual effects that enhanced the audience’s overall experience. The projections helped to transport the audience to the fantastical world of Pippin and create a fully immersive environment.

With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, I worked closely with the production team to ensure that the projections were seamlessly integrated into the overall design of the show. The result was a visually stunning production that left audiences in awe.

My passion for using projections to create unforgettable theatrical experiences is evident in my work on Pippin. I am confident that my skills and expertise in this area will continue to be an asset to any production team, and I look forward to the opportunity to bring my talents to future projects.


  • Animator
  • Operator